Taguig City Human Milk Bank Inauguration

The local government of Taguig inaugurates the city’s first Human Milk Bank at the Taguig-Pateros District Hospital last December 10.

It’s a first for Taguig City’s most fragile babies to have this facility like a human milk bank where breastfeeding mothers can donate breast milk to be given to medically fragile babies in Taguig Pateros District Hospital.

Taguig City Human Milk Bank (TCHMB) targets not only those with critical conditions but also to children of mothers who cannot feed their babies with breast milk adequately and this will be made possible through milk donations from health, lactating mothers.

The human milk will undergo strict pasteurization before it will be distributed to infants needing them.

Just like any other milk bank, the Taguig City Milk Bank will be tasked to collect, screen and distribute donated human milk to qualified recipients.

The TCHMB will run as a non-profit milk bank but with minimal fee for screening and processing will be charged as stipulated in the milk bank’s guidelines.

However, it will be free for those admitted in TPDH.

Leading the official ribbon cutting were City Mayor Lani Cayetano, Senator Pia Cayetano, together with officials from the Taguig-Pateros District Hospital.

SEE PHOTOS HERE: Taguig City Human Milk Bank Inauguration

Taguig City Hotlines

Taguig City Hall 555- 7800 Police Taguig Mobile Patrol 0921-7221972
Fire Department at City Hall 642-9982 Public Order & Safety Office 642-1261
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Lake & River Patrol 628-1377 Taguig-Pateros District Hospital 838-34-85
Office of Social Welfare & Development 555-7919 Taguig City Rescue 0919-0703112
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Tactical Operation Center Police 642-3582 Taguig Command Center 789- 3200
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Trunkline 555-78-52/555-7854